Hosomaki or maki sushi is one of the most popular types of sushi in Japanese cuisine, the advantage of which is the ability to reveal the special taste of a particular ingredient. In Japanese, "maki" translates to "roll." Therefore, the dish looks like a thin roll with filling and a rice base seasoned with rice vinegar. All of this is wrapped in a sheet of nori seaweed, which gives the dish a pleasant sea flavor while preserving the roll's shape. For convenience, it is sliced into 8 individual pieces. The dish is served with soy sauce, pickled ginger, and wasabi. Sauces and spices enhance the unique flavor properties of sushi. The main feature of hosomaki is its simplicity, primarily regarding the filling, which is less complex compared to other types of rolls. For example, the classic Philadelphia roll, in addition to rice and nori, includes cream cheese, avocado, cucumber, and salmon. Hosomaki typically consists of 1-2 components, such as a single type of fish, seafood, cucumber, avocado, etc.