Despite its name, the Kyiv-style cutlet does not originate from the capital of Ukraine. It is more likely that French chefs created this dish. Initially, the cutlet was made from minced meat, predominantly pork, although sometimes veal or chicken was used. It was then fried in oil, resulting in an oval-shaped cutlet encased in a thick breadcrumb coating. Varieties of these cutlets, especially those made with chicken, gained popularity within the Intourist hotel network. By the 1960s, this dish was already known as “Kyiv-style cutlet.” It was during this time that the classic recipe emerged — a well-fried breaded cutlet made from rolled chicken breast with a piece of butter inside. Soon after, Kyiv-style cutlets became a trendy main course at dinner parties in Great Britain and the United States. It was not until the 1970s that restaurateurs in Kyiv took notice of this dish when tourists began to inquire about it.